In FY 2022/23, Baylor Foundation Uganda, with funding from PEPFAR, supported the refurbishment of laboratories. It provided technical and quality management support across laboratory services in the three supported regions of Uganda. Through the hub system sample transportation from the spoke facilities, we reinforced the operationalization of Gene XPert testing.
Additionally, Baylor Foundation Uganda assisted the regional maintenance workshops and contractual service providers in ensuring 100% equipment service, repair, and minimal equipment downtime, including calibration of over 53 automated equipment.
These achievements have improved patient care across the supported regions and met the 95:95:95 targets. We observed that expiries of laboratory commodities and sample rejections below the national targets were reduced due to accreditation and certification efforts. The turnaround time (TAT) for tests improved with quality results attaining (100% External Quality Assessment (EQA) satisfactory performance for CD4 and TB GeneXpert, over 98% HIV EQA testing).