Baylor College of Medicine
Children’s Foundation - Uganda

EWN – East West Nile Project

Baylor Foundation Uganda was a prime recipient of a 5-year grant that started from October 2010 to September 2015 with an extension to march 2016 for Arua and June 2017 for Soroti regions. The project was titled scaling up comprehensive HIV/AIDS services including provider initiated testing and counselling TB/HIV, OVC care and ART for adults and children in Eastern and West Nile regions in the Republic of Uganda under the president’s emergency plan for AIDS relief PEPFAR. The project aim that contributing to the achievement of the national HIV prevention goal of reducing new HIV infections by 40% by the year 2020. Baylor Foundation Uganda set out to support project districts to increase adoption of safe sex behaviour and HIV transmission risk reduction expand the access to and use of biomedical prevention interventions to mitigate social cultural and structured drivers of HIV, reach a more coordinated HIV prevention response and strengthen information systems for HIV prevention at all levels.


Program Areas